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HOME ORGANIZATION : TOSS these 15 Items to Declutter Fast

Home Organization: Toss These 15 Items To Declutter Fast

Spring is the perfect time to do a little home organization by decluttering your life.  Decluttering will save you untold hours of time.  Each item you hang on to unnecessarily is a distraction that begs for attention or needlessly takes up space.  Also, someone else may need an item right now that you are clinging to in the hopes of someday using it.  While purging may be difficult at first, your going to love the freedom of time and space it creates.  Here are fifteen items you should eliminate right now.

1. Old electronics

Old cell phones, audio equipment, video equipment, gaming systems, answering machines, fax machines, printers, computers, and all of those cords, chargers, and connectors that you haven't used for months toss them.  Odds are you have chargers for devices that you got rid of ages ago.  While you are at it toss the related items as well:  VHS tapes, cassette tapes, cases, etc.  Check your area for electronic recycling programs or Best Buy stores recycle electronics nationwide.

2. Past Issues of Magazines

Seriously, how often do you look back at old issues?  Toss old magazines in your recycling bin.  If you want to see them repurposed, call your local school's art department to see if they would like them for art projects or a local church.

3. Unworn Clothes

Clothing can be tossed, brought to second hand shops, or donated to  charitable clothes closets.  If you have very old clothes or something unique like dance recital costumes, contact a local school or theater. They love items like these for costumes.  Consider finally letting go of those old prom, homecoming, or bride's maid dresses while you are at it.

4. Unnecessary Paperwork

Many paper bills are now superfluous as people shift to electronic statements.  For six simple guidelines on what to keep and for how long click here.  You can declutter much paperwork by scanning documents and doing away with the original.

5. Dried Up Pens and Markers

Go through your desk or other drawers toss any marker or pens that have dried up.  While you are at it, get pencils that are so old the erasers don't work.

6. Books

Unless you are prone to re-reading books, most of the books you have can likely be given to a local library.  Even if they already have them in their collection, many libraries have book sales to raise monies for the library program.  Any duplicate copy of a book or old phone book needs to go.  Also, if you don't use your new phone book, let it go too.

7. Out of date medications

Inventory your medicine cabinet and purge expired medications.  This should include both non-prescription and prescription medications.  Some medicines lose their efficacy over time or can cause an adverse reaction.

8. Board Games Missing Pieces

This includes jigsaw puzzles missing pieces as well.  If you're never going to play a game because it is incomplete there is no good reason to hang on to it.

9. Expired Foods

Scour the recesses of three places when you are purging expired foods: your refrigerator, pantry cabinets, and freezer.  You might also want to go through your spices.  Many spices lose their fresh flavor over times.

10. Old Makeup

Many cream products break down after six months and some cosmetic products like mascara can be a bacteria threat after three months.  Include in your makeup purging old bottles of nail polish.

11. Old Pillows

A broken down pillow can contribute to poor sleep if it isn't giving you the support you need.  One easy test you can perform to check if a pillow is ready to be tossed is to fold it in half.  If it stays folded when you let go, it's well past its lifespan.  Toss it out.

12. Old Towels

Do you have a linen closet littered with threadbare towels that you would never want company to see?  You can toss these towels or bring them to a local animal shelter.  They will be delighted to take them off of your hands.

13. Old Cans of Paint

Paint cans eventually rust resulting in air seeping into the can.  The paint skims over or dries out when this happens. Contact your local garbage collection agency to find out how to properly dispose of paint or other chemicals.  Paints over time can take up an inordinate amount of cabinet space that you could use for better home organization.

14. Old Greeting Cards

Are you sitting on boxes of old Christmas, birthday, and anniversary cards?  Keeping a few noteworthy ones might be good, but most of those cards can likely go and you will never miss them.  If you would like to give Christmas cards a new life, go to this link for seventeen christmas card craft projects.

15. Unmatched Items

Socks, gloves, or plastic containers missing lids should just be tossed unless you are going to immediately repurpose them for something else.

Apply it...

What if you tackled one of these suggestions everyday  until you were through the entire list?  Your home organization would dramatically improve with just this small investment in decluttering your home.


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