ORGANIZATION: 7 Habits to help a Tigy Closet Stay That Way

7 Habits to Help a Tidy Closet Stay That Way

Cut the closet clutter for a lifetime — and save money too — by learning how to bring home only clothes you love and need

Houzz Contributor and owner/proprietress at Ms. Fix-It Home Solutions.... More 
You’ve banished your excuses, sorted your stuff and lightened your load. Your closet looks great! You’ve celebrated your accomplishment and are basking in the glory of your newly purged space. So ... now what? Nature abhors a vacuum, as they say, so you may feel compelled to fill it to the brim right away. But you can limit the clutter and continue to breathe easy if you adopt just a few healthy habits.
Being honest with yourself about how your closet got so messy in the first place will go a long way toward helping you keep your new space fresh. It’s entirely up to you whether a neat closet will be an ongoing battle or become your happy new normal. In any case, knowing yourself and rolling with life’s changes will help you keep a closet that reflects your most beautiful self, so you can always feel like a million bucks.



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